VM41系列燃氣燃燒器控制器(Brahma) |
產地:意大利 |
產品介紹 |
The automatic control systems of this series are suitable to control forced draught burners for gaseous fuels for nonpermanent operation. All these controls perform non-volatile lock-outs, condition from which a restart of the system is only possible by means of the control manual reset. This range of controls is suitable to equip burners for domestic and industrial heating. The VM41 control is suitable for single flame applications, while the VM42 control is suitable for dual flame applications.
The main features of this range are the following:
EC - Type certification (CE Reg. N° 63AQ0625) in accordance with Gas Appliance Directive 90/396;
in accordance with EN 298 (European standard for automatic gas burner control systems), prEN 676 (European standard for automatic forced draught burners) and DIN 4788 (German standard for automatic forced draught burners);
flame monitoring by the rectification property of the flame (ionization);
two independent safety contacts for the gas valve control;
electrical service life at max.declared loading >250.000
inbuilt manual reset;
easy to install and wire;
interchangeable with the relevant mechanical controls as regards operation and dimensions;
max. burner output for VM41:
120KW according to prEN 676;
350KW according to DIN 4788;
max. burner output for VM42: no limits. | |
技術參數 |
主電壓 |
220/240V 50/60Hz |
110/120V 50/60Hz |
運行溫度 |
-20ºC...+60ºC |
環境濕度 |
最大95%(在40ºC) |
保護等級 |
IP40 |
啟動功率 |
VM41 |
12VA |
VM42 |
15VA |
運行功率 |
VM41 |
9VA |
VM42 |
12VA |
時間 |
-預吹掃時間 |
20/30/40/50/60s |
-安全時間 |
VM41 |
2/3/4/5s |
VM42 |
2/3s |
火焰失敗后的反映時間 |
<1s |
端口額定電流 |
電源端口 |
6.0A |
電磁閥1端口 |
0.5A |
電磁閥2端口 |
0.5A |
馬達端口 |
3A |
點火變壓器端口 |
2.0A |
報警端口 |
1.0A |
重量 |
250g | | | |